Pursuant to Zion Municipal Code Article VIII, “Electricity”, Section 10-204, the City of Zion created an Electrical Commission. The Commission consists of six members with one-year terms. The City’s chief electrical inspector is a member and the “ex officio” chairman of the Commission. Of the other five members, one shall be a registered professional engineer, one an electrical contractor, one a journeyman electrician, one a representative of an inspection bureau maintained by the fire underwriters, (if such a representative resides in the municipality, and if no such representative resides in the municipality then the Chief of the Fire/Rescue Department), and one representative of an electricity supply company. If there is no person residing in Zion who is qualified under any one of these descriptions, the Mayor may appoint some other person to fill that position. All members of the Electrical Commission are appointed by the Mayor with the advice and consent of the City Council. All members of the Commission serve without compensation. The Commission does not have set meeting days/times and meets only upon call of the Chairman when necessary.

The Electrical Commission is charged with the duty of recommending safe and practical standards and specifications for installing, altering, and use of electrical equipment. Such standards and specifications should be designed to meet the necessities and conditions that prevail in the City of Zion. The Electrical Commission may, from time to time, as need or occasion demands, and as the interest of the public requires, recommend changes in the standards and specifications. Such recommendations made by the Electrical Commission are subject to approval by the City Council.

1 Year Term

Provided for in Municipal Code Section 10-204 — 6 members: 1 Chief Electrical Inspector, 1 Registered professional engineer, 1 Electrical contractor, 1 Journeyman electrician, 1 Representative of an inspection bureau maintained by the fire underwriters or Fire Chief, and 1 Representative of an electricity supply company

Name Term Expires Notes
Rich Ianson 04/30/18 Director of Building
Merlin Kreis 04/30/18 Journeyman Electrician
John Lewis 04/30/18 Fire Chief
Dave Geer 04/30/18 Electrical Contractor
Pat Buchanan 04/30/18 ComEd (Supplier) Representative & Engineer
John Hucker 04/30/18 Electrical Contractor

Updated May 17, 2017

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