The Zion Safety Committee is directly responsible for administering and implementing the Safety Program and for instigating and directing all of the safety efforts in support of Management’s stated policy. The committee members may include: department heads, a representative from each department, and a secretary. Accident Review Board meetings shall be closed to the public and held monthly, except that a monthly meeting may be cancelled if there are no accidents involving City-owned or City-leased vehicles during the previous month.

The Budget Office, a part of the Financial Services Department, is responsible for preparing and monitoring the City of Frisco’s Annual Budget. Find quick access to city budgets and budget meeting presentations.

The Electrical Commission is charged with the duty of recommending safe and practical standards and specifications for installing, altering, and use of electrical equipment. Such standards and specifications should be designed to meet the necessities and conditions that prevail in the City of Zion.

The Board of Trustees of the Firefighters’ Pension Fund consists of five members. Two members of the board are appointed by the Mayor. Two members of the board must be active participants of the pension fund who are elected from the active participants of the fund. One member of the Board must be a person who is retired under the Firemen’s Pension Fund Act of 1919 who is elected from persons retired under the Firemen’s Pension Fund Act of 1919. The members of the Board selected from the active and retired firefighters shall be elected at the time and in the manner provided by law. Trustees serve for three-year terms. The Board meets quarterly.

The Illinois Foreign Fire Insurance Fund is distributed by the state of Illinois Municipal League. The Municipal League collects insurance taxes from companies outside of the State of Illinois. Those funds are distributed to fire departments across the state to provide for the needs of the departments as the department sees fit to compensate for what is not provided by the municipality. A foreign fire insurance board shall be created within the fire department of each municipality with fewer than 500,000 inhabitants that have an organized fire department, employs full-time firefighters, and is subject to a collective bargaining agreement. 

In 2005, the Lake Mound Cemetery Association transferred ownership of the Lake Mound Cemetery to the City of Zion to be operated as a licensed municipal cemetery. The cemetery is currently managed by the Lake Mound Cemetery Board with three members being appointed to two-year terms by the Mayor. The cemetery trust is overseen by the City’s Director of Accounts and Finance. Cemetery maps and records are maintained by the City Clerk. The cemetery grounds are maintained by the City of Zion Public Service Department.

The City of Zion Liquor Control Commission is responsible for overseeing the sale of alcoholic liquor within the city. It primarily limits liquor sales to packaged goods, restaurants, recreational facilities, and hotels. The commission meets annually in June to review and renew liquor licenses, with additional meetings held as needed to evaluate new applications, consider changes to existing licenses, and handle complaints or disciplinary actions related to liquor establishments.

Animal Services accomplishes the goals of protecting public safety and ensuring animal welfare through compassionate, responsive, professional enforcement of the laws and public policy.

The Planning & Zoning Commission is an advisory board which makes recommendations to the City Council whether to approve or deny applications for zoning changes, text amendments, variances, special use permits, preliminary and final plats.


Find resources related to your trash and recycling needs and learn ways to keep Frisco environmentally friendly through community programs.

The State of Illinois requires municipalities which have full-time Police Officers to sponsor an Article 3 pension plan. Under Article 3 regulations, a Board of Trustees is established to oversee the fund.

The State of Illinois requires municipalities which have full-time Police Officers to sponsor an Article 3 pension plan. Under Article 3 regulations, a Board of Trustees is established to oversee the fund.

The Zion City Council passed Ordinance 21-O-49 creating the Special Events Commission as a City Commission.  The purpose of the Commission is to create and sponsor activities, celebrations and observations for the enjoyment and education of the residents of Zion and visitors to the City of Zion.

Created as a step in the TIF process in March, 1994 – original members appointed by Mayor Billy McCullough – Meets second Monday of the month at 6:00 pm. or “as needed” – annually at first meeting on or after June 1st members elect Chairman and Vice-Chairman (Secretary may be elected at discretion of members) – Officially created by Ordinance 00-O- on December 19, 2000 – Terms determined in 2000.

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