The mission of the Building Department shall be to provide knowledge and service regarding local, state and federal building codes and standards in a manner, which supports our commitment to the safety of our residents and to the integrity of the Department.
In our performance of these duties we will bear witness to the realization of our mission and thereby warrant the respect engendered to our department as professionals with the community we serve.
The Zion City Clerk’s staff is firmly committed to serving as your “front-line” interface with local government. We pledge to be ever mindful of our impartiality with respect to local government matters and to place service to the community as our first priority. The Office of the City Clerk exists to provide you with information, offer assistance and assure the transparency of our municipality’s conduct of business. We are dedicated to providing excellent service – first to the public – then to the City Council and City staff – with the utmost courtesy, professionalism, and efficiency
The City of Zion employs a full-time Coordinator of Planning and Economic Development.
The Coordinator maintains listings of available industrial and commercial building and sites as well as information on incentive programs.
The Economic Development Coordinator also issues business licenses, tobacco dealer licenses, amusement device/vending machine licenses,
ATM licenses, entertainment licenses, special event permits, special event vendor permits and seasonal vendor permits.
The Zion Fire Rescue Department provides emergency services for fire suppression, emergency care and transport, and specialized rescue. Several of our members also participate with the Lake and McHenry County Specialized Response Team. These team members provide specialized rescue in areas of confined space rescue, high angle rescue, structural collapse, trench rescue, dive incidents and hazardous material incidents.
The Human Resources Department is a strategic partner with the Mayor, Commissioners, City Administrator, and other City Departments. We embrace an atmosphere of care and dedication to serve the needs of internal and external customers in a variety of capacities including: recruitment, selection, compensation, promotion, organizational development, benefits administration, on-the-job injuries, labor relations, and more.
The Zion Police Department’s mission is to serve and protect.
To serve honorably, without judgment or bias, to work with and for all residents and to protect all life and property diligently.
The structure of the Public Works Department provides for efficient, cooperative participation of six operating divisions: Street Maintenance, Engineering, Water & Sewer, Administration, Public Service and Fleet Operations.
With 8 personnel in the street division, 7 in the water division, 2 in the fleet maintenance and 1 in engineering, cumulatively, these divisions service more than 220 lane miles of streets, 30 miles of alleys, approximately 15,000 parkway trees, over 267 City owned vehicles including police and fire department vehicles, 1100 fire hydrants, 116 miles of water main, 106 miles of sanitary sewer mains and 95 miles of storm sewer mains.
Frisco City Hall
8353 Sierra Avenue • Frisco, CA 91335
Phone: (907) 350-7400 • Monday – Thursday, 8:00 am – 6:00 pm
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