Payments & Fees
Online Payments
You can now pay your utility bill, parking fees and vehicle fees with an e-check, savings credit card or debit card, or by going online.
- The City of Zion’s approved online payment processor is PAYMENT SERVICES NETWORK (PSN). Please be advised, If you are making an online payment and accessing the link through a website other than the City of Zion, your payment may not be forwarded to the City immediately and therefore, will not prevent disconnection of your water service. Any payment not made through PSN can cause a delay of up to ten (10) days to process.
Utility bill payments, call 1-877-885-7968. On the first call, you will register on our automated phone payment systems so that future payments are just 4 steps.
All other payments, call 1-866-917-7368
NOTE: Viewing your utility bill and balance due is a FREE service that will be COMING SOON!
Convenience fees apply to electronic payments: $1.10 for e-check and savings;
3.0% (+50¢ if less than $100) for credit and debit card payments.
If you have questions on the amount of your bill/fees or need service, call (847) 746-4008 for billing or (847) 746-4060 for water service.
We use Payment Service Network to process our payments.
PSN has been certified as maintaining the highest level of security as required by the credit card industry.
Checks & Cash payments can still be made at:
City of Zion
City Hall
2828 Sheridan Rd,
Zion IL 60099
Notes: Only current unpaid tickets will be accepted for payment online.
If your Building Department Ticket issued is/are more than 14 days old, or
If your Police Department Ticket(s) is/are more than 21 days old,
please contact the Police department at (847) 379-8308.