Please be aware of an error in the water bills that were sent out at the end of December 2022. The read date that shows is 12/2/2022, and that date was also pulled in for the due date of the bills. The actual due date of these bills are 1/23/2023.

No late charges will be assessed if bills are paid by that date. Disregard the 12/2/2022 due date on those bills. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.…

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Information regarding the water rate increase

Last year the City contracted an independent company to conduct a water rate study. The results of the rate study showed that Zion was well behind the average water rate for the area and well below the rate needed to maintain and improve operations and capital infrastructure of our system. The recommendation to the City was to increase the rates over multiple years to begin to address the shortfall. On October 5, 2021 the City Council passed an ordinance increasing the water rate to $9.70 per 1,000 gallons starting with January 2022 billings.  As an example, if you used 4,000 gallons of water, your water charge will show $38.80 on your bill.

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