The Next Regular Scheduled Meeting for the Special Events Commission is scheduled to be held TBA

AGENDA (When Available)


In 2021, the Zion City Council passed Ordinance 21-O-49 creating the Special Events Commission as a City Commission. The purpose of the Commission is to create and sponsor activities, celebrations, and observations for the enjoyment and education of the residents of Zion and visitors to the City of Zion.

The Commission consists of 7 members: one from each of the following – City of Zion, Zion Park District, Zion Benton Township High School – and four “at-large” members. The Mayor appoints all members with City Council approval. Members serve 3- or 4-year terms. The City serves as Treasurer. The City’s Economic Development Coordinator acts as President. The Commission elects a Chairman and Secretary.

Meeting Dates
Regular meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of each month at 5:30pm in the City Council Chambers at Zion City Hall, 2828 Sheridan Road.

The Commission will meet on the following dates in 2025:

January 20
February 17
March 17
April 21
May 19
June 16
July 21
August 18
September 15
October 20
November 18
December 15

Special Events Commission

3 & 4 year terms

7 members appointed by the Mayor and approved by the City Council: 3 members with 3-year terms, 3 members with 4-year terms, and a non-expiring President. Created to plan and sponsor community events. President is the City of Zion’s Economic Development Coordinator. Members elect a Chairman and Secretary. Officially created by Ordinance 21-O-49 on July 20, 2021.

Sonolito Bronson

President – City of Zion
Non Expiring

Christine Wertman

Zion Park District
Term Expires: 04/30/25

Mike McDowell

City of Zion Commissioner
Term Expires: 04/30/27

Sameia Charity

Member At Large
Term Expires: 04/30/25

Olivia Livingston

Member At Large
Term Expires: 04/30/27

Chris Kubic

Term Expires: 04/30/28


Term Expires: 04/30/27

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