The Water Division has one (1) meter reader and he reads an average of 1,984 homes a month.

TRACE Radio Read Meters

The Water Division utilizes the TRACE radio meter-reading system. For those of you that are  not familiar with this new meter reading system, TRACE uses radio signals to quickly collect meter reading data. The meter readers utilize a portable interrogator to collect the readings. All meters, even in the most densely populated neighborhoods, can be read in  the time it takes to drive through the area.

Readings are sent from a transponder only in response to a digitally encoded interrogation signal containing its unique identification number. Reading meters with TRACE automated system eliminates the need for stopping, contact, or connection with the meter. Meter  readings are transferred to the interrogator on command and without the meter reader stopping. The meter reader brings the interrogator back to the office and downloads the information into the computer for billing purposes.

TRACE is a big advantage for homeowners as well. For example, if a homeowner has  a locked fenced-in yard and/or dogs, our meter reader may not be able to secure a reading without first inconveniencing the homeowner in some way. This also takes precious time away from the meter reader who must return several times in order to get a reading.  In some cases the bill may be estimated. With TRACE there is no need to have access  to your yard.

And, unlike many other utilities, the Water Division makes every effort to set up an “exact time” appointment. Appointments are available from Monday through Friday, 7:15 A.M. until 4:10 P.M.

While we are using the TRACE radio meter-reading system, we are converting to the Meta-Net MTU System


If an unusual reading, or no water usage is noted, our meter reader will leave a notice requesting you contact the Water Department so the meter may be checked. Again we  ask your cooperation in this matter by calling our office promptly and setting up an appointment. Unlike many other companies and utilities, the Water Division will make
every effort to schedule “exact” time appointments for all meter services.

Also, in an effort to better serve our water customers the Water Division, in conjunction with the Accounts and Finance Department, has implemented a new program. Based upon prior water usage at a home, we will attempt to notify residents who receive a city utility  bill reflecting water bills higher or lower than normal. This may be a reading that is at least  20% higher than normal as well as a reading that has stayed the same.

Should you receive a letter and have no explanation as to why your bill may be higher  or lower than normal, we encourage you to call City Hall or the Water Division to set up  an appointment. We will send a service man out to investigate the water usage and  determine if the usage is the result of faulty plumbing or a malfunctioning reader.

It is the homeowner’s responsibility for the protection of their water meters from freezing weather. Check for possible drafts from the outside elements near your plumbing and  water meter to avoid costly repairs.

Access Ordinance

Sec. 94-352 states that upon reasonable demand of the city the owner and/or occupier of the premises shall provide access to the city and its employees for reading, maintaining or repairing water meters. If meter notices left at the premises go unanswered, a red card will be left notifying occupant the water will be shut off unless we can get in to check the water meter. Please respond promptly.

Reading/Billing Cycle

See Billing Information under Water Division

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