Snow Removal
The Street Department of 9 personnel is responsible for 200 lane miles of City streets and 30 miles of Public Alley. The Public Works Department strives to complete plowing and salting operation in 7 to 10 hours on all streets and cul-de-sacs within the City.
The goal of the Public Works Department is to provide snow and ice response in a timely and cost efficient manner. During ice or snow conditions, the City applies de-icer and plows snow. There are two phases for ice and snow response: (1) When snow or ice conditions exist, salt is applied based on public safety needs, starting with primary arterial streets and major intersections; and (2) depending on pavement conditions and forecast, snow plowing will likely commence when two inches of snow accumulates.
Snow and ice response goals are set primarily to afford public safety crews the ability to provide emergency services. General travel, commerce or individual convenience issues take a lower priority and are not always able to be accommodated. An ongoing assessment is made during snow and ice removal operations regarding when to discontinue removal operations.
The Street Department Strives to clear all roads within a single event. However, during heavy and prolonged storms the City has a designation of priority one, two or three streets.
Priority One:
Defined as arterials, collectors, emergency routes and school routes (on school days). These streets receive more frequent plowing and/or additional de-icers applied, primarily due to heavier traffic volumes. Under most conditions, these streets are plowed curb to curb and de-icers applied before priority two streets begin.
Priority Two:
Residential, non-primary routes (includes cul-de-sacs) which typically do not have heavy traffic volumes. Generally cleared after the priority one streets are complete. Snow is plowed curb to curb.
Priority Three:
Alleys are cleared toward the end of snow events.
Parking Ordinance
Chapter 90 TRAFFIC AND VEHICLES, ARTICLE III. PARKING, STOPPING AND STANDING, Sec. 90-138. Parking during snow conditions; signs; towing.
(Ord. No. 81-0-64, § 1, 10-6-81; Code 1969, § 17-95)
No parking is allowed on City streets when 2 or more inches of snow is forecast (or between the hours of 2:00 A.M. and 6:00 A.M. year round). Your cooperation will allow the snowplows to clear the streets better and faster. It is unlawful to park any vehicle on any public street when there is 4 inches or more of snow fallen.
Any motor vehicles parked in violation shall receive a ticket, and may be towed away. The owner of the vehicle shall pay towing fees charged for the towing service before the vehicle is released.
Depositing Public Ways
Chapter 78 – STREETS, SIDEWALKS AND OTHER PUBLIC PLACES, ARTICLE V. – SNOW REMOVAL AND DEPOSIT Sec. 78-136. – Depositing snow on streets, alleys or public ways.
(Ord. No. 84-0-17, § 1, 2-6-84; Code 1969, § 22-90)
Remember, it is unlawful to deposit or cause to be deposited any snow in any public street, highway or alley right-of-way.
Depositing snow on private property.
(Ord. No. 84-0-17, § 1, 2-6-84; Code 1969, § 22-91)
By ordinance, but more importantly as a common courtesy to others, It shall be unlawful for any driver of a snowplow to deposit or cause to be deposited any snow on any property without first obtaining the permission of the owner of the property.
The End of your Driveway
The City’s crews use side discharge plows. As the plows move forward, snow moves along the blade from the left to the right. The discharge from the blade is deposited along the curb or in the grass boulevard on the city right-of-way. This discharge, officially known as a “windrow”, ends up leaving snow in a driveway approaches along the route. While we understand the aggravation this can cause, this natural result of plowing is unavoidable.
When a mailbox is struck by a City vehicle, the driver will report the location and, if possible, the extent of the damage.
No mailboxes will be replaced due to windrowing of the plowed snow. If other mailboxes within a given area withstand the force of plowed snow, then it must be testimonial that the damaged mailbox was sub-standard, thus no repairs or replacement will be made.
A representative of the Public Works Department, as soon as possible after a report of damage has been filed, shall visit the site and take a picture of the damaged mailbox and return the photograph to the Superintendent of Operations.
Due to the fact that there are many private contractors that plow driveways, etc., we will only repair or replace mailboxes reported by City employees or obviously struck by City crew.
Parkway Damage
Repair of parkways from normal salting shall be the responsibility of the adjacent property owner. In extreme cases, the City will repair with topsoil and seed.
Residents may report parkway and mailbox damage to the Public Works Department main desk 847-746-4050.
Roadways Maintained By Other Government Agencies
State of Illinois (IDOT Gurnee Maintenance Facility, 847-0034)
Illinois Route 131 Greenbay Road
Illinois Route 173
Lake County (Division of Transportation, 847-377-7400)
Russell Road
9th Street
Lewis Avenue
21st Street
Kenosha Road
33rd Street (Galilee Ave. to Lewis Ave.)
Zion City Hall
2828 Sheridan Road • Zion, IL 60099
Phone: (847) 746-4000 • Monday – Thursday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm
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