2024 Meeting Dates & Info

February 6
May 7
August 6
November 5

These meetings shall be held at 9:00am
at Zion Fire Station #1
1303 27th Street,
Zion, Illinois.

Click for Minutes & Agendas

Pursuant to Zion Municipal Code Section 34-18 and Illinois Revised Statutes Ch. 108 ½, Sec. 4-101, the City shall create a Firemen’s Pension Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees has control of the management of all funds belonging to or designated by law as part of the firefighters’ pension fund and of the administration of such funds as provided by law.

The Board of Trustees of the Firefighters’ Pension Fund consists of five members. Two members of the board are appointed by the Mayor. Two members of the board must be active participants of the pension fund who are elected from the active participants of the fund. One member of the Board must be a person who is retired under the Firemen’s Pension Fund Act of 1919 who is elected from persons retired under the Firemen’s Pension Fund Act of 1919. The members of the Board selected from the active and retired firefighters shall be elected at the time and in the manner provided by law. Trustees serve for three-year terms. The Board meets quarterly.

3 Year Term

There shall be a board of trustees of the firefighter’s pension fund which will consist of five (5) members. Two (2) members shall be appointed by the Mayor. Two (2) members shall be active participants of the pension fund who are elected from the active participants of the fund. One (1) member shall be a person who is retired. 3 year terms — provided for in Municipal Code Section 34-18 and Illinois Revised Statutes Ch. 108 ½, par. 3-128 – amended by Ordinance 09-O-9.

Name Term Expires Notes
Sarai Soto 04/30/27 Active
Matt Henby 04/30/26 Active
Mike Stried 04/30/27 Retired
Justin Stried 04/30/27 Fire Chief
David Knabel 04/30/27 City Administrator


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