The finance department prepares an annual budget prior to the beginning of our fiscal year (May 1st).  This budget takes into account beginning fund balances, projected revenues and expected operating costs in determining what the financial picture for the year is expected to look like.  This budget guides various decisions through the year and is utilized to ensure we stay on track financially. The City also adopts an annual appropriation ordinance by the end of the first quarter of the fiscal year (or July 31st).  The purpose of the appropriation ordinance is to legally determine the amount we are allowed to spend during the course of the year.  The appropriated amounts are always higher to account for emergency expenditures that may come about due to natural diasters, infrastructure failings and the like.  Therefore, the adopted budget is more conservative and utilized in our daily decisions. Please see the adopted budgets and appropriation ordinances below:


City of Zion Budget For Year Ending April 30, 2024 (.pdf)
City of Zion Budget For Year Ending April 30, 2023 (.pdf)
City of Zion Budget For Year Ending April 30, 2022 (.pdf)
City of Zion Budget For Year Ending April 30, 2021 (.pdf)
City of Zion Budget For Year Ending April 30, 2020 (.pdf)
City of Zion Budget For Year Ending April 30, 2019 (.pdf)
City of Zion Budget For Year Ending April 30, 2018 (.pdf)
City of Zion Budget For Year Ending April 30, 2017 (.pdf)
City of Zion Budget For Year Ending April 30, 2016 (.pdf)
City of Zion Budget For Year Ending April 30, 2015 (.pdf)  

Appropriation Ordinance

Appropriation Ordinance 2022-0-61 Appropriation Ordinance 19O24

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