
Sanitary sewer backups should be reported to us before calling a plumber or contractor. The problem may be associated with the main sewer line. Call the Police department after hours and they will contact our on-call man. Sewer Backup After Hours (3:30pm to 7:00am) The Water Division has a man on-call 24 hours a day and can be reached after hours by calling the non-emergency Police Desk Number at (847) 872-8000. Sewer Backup During Working Hours (7:00am to 3:30pm) If you are experiencing a sewer backup call the Water Division at (847) 746-4060.

What to Avoid

Please do not flush handi-wipes, disposable diapers or other similar material down the sewer system.

Cleaning Program

The Water Division has a sewer cleaning program in place and routinely cleans the sewer lines. This is a preventative maintenance to assure our customers of clean running lines.

Sump Pump Ordinance

Discharging your sump pump illegally into a sanitary sewer system could very likely contribute to a sanitary sewer backup affecting not only your neighbors’ home but your own home as well. While April showers may bring May flowers, together with the winter’s thaw they also bring an influx of water into the sanitary sewer system. Adding to this burden is the fact that many homeowners have their sump pumps illegally hooked up to drain directly into the sanitary sewer. Because the sewers cannot handle that amount of water all at once many homeowners will experience sewer backups and flooding. Section 94-121 of the Municipal code of the City of Zion prohibits the draining of stormwater into the sanitary sewer system. Please – to help yourself, your neighbors, and the City of Zion,make sure all sump pumps and down spouts discharge to the outside of your home. It is illegal to have your sump pump or down spout discharge into the sanitary sewer system. If you are unsure of your hook-up call us and we will be happy to check if for you.


See “Rates” under Water

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