Public Works

The structure of the Public Works Department provides for efficient, cooperative participation of six operating divisions: Street Maintenance, Engineering, Water & Sewer, Administration, Public Service and Fleet Operations.

With 8 personnel in the street division, 7 in the water division, 2 in the fleet maintenance and 1 in engineering, cumulatively, these divisions service more than 220 lane miles of streets, 30 miles of alleys, approximately 15,000 parkway trees, over 267 City owned vehicles including police and fire department vehicles, 1100 fire hydrants, 116 miles of water main, 106 miles of sanitary sewer mains and 95 miles of storm sewer mains.


Potholes are holes in the roadway that vary in size and shape. They are caused by the expansion and contraction of ground water after the water has entered into the ground under the pavement. When water freezes it expands. If it has a chance to freeze it will take up more space under the pavement and the pavement will expand, bend and crack which weakens the material pavement.

Crews repair potholes in neighborhoods throughout the city all year long. The months of December through April are considered the heart of the pothole season—when the city typically sees the highest number of potholes. However, crews work throughout the spring, summer and fall as well.

During the cold winter months we use a high-performance cold-patch asphalt material for pothole repairs. This is a temporary repair. A hot mix asphalt is used during spring, summer and fall.

Please report potholes to the Street division at 847.746.4060.

Snow Plowing:

Priority One: Defined as arterials, collectors, emergency routes and school routes (on school days). These streets receive more frequent plowing and/or additional deicers applied, primarily due to heavier traffic volumes. Under most conditions, these streets are plowed curb to curb and deicers applied before priority two streets begin.

Priority Two: Residential, non-primary routes (includes cul-de-sacs) which typically do not have heavy traffic volumes. Generally cleared after the priority one streets are complete. Snow is plowed curb to curb.

Priority Three: Alleys are cleared toward the end of snow events.

No parking is allowed on city streets when 2 or more inches of snow is forecast (or between the hours of 2:00 AM and 6:00 AM year round), or if 4 or more inches of snow has fallen.

Street Lights

For issues with a street light on wooden poles please contact ComEd at 1.800.334.7661.
For a street light on metal or concrete poles or in a newer sub-division call Public Works at 847.746.4050 or 847.746.4060.


Public Works is responsible for trimming all City owned parkway trees ONLY and for the removal of dead parkway trees.

Water Main Breaks

Most water main breaks occur during the cold winter months. This is especially true if we get little or no snow to insulate the ground. If you spot a water main break please call us immediately at 847.756.4050. If after hours report the break to the Police department non-emergency number 847.872.8000.

Sanitary Sewers

The Water division has a sewer cleaning program in place and routinely cleans the sanitary sewer lines. This is a preventative maintenance to assure our customers of clean running lines.

Any sanitary sewer backups should be reported to us before calling a plumber or contract. The problem may be associated with the main sewer line. Call us at 847.746.4050 during regular working hours of 7:00 AM through 3:30 PM. The water division has a person on-call 24 hours a day. Should the backup occur after hours please call the non-emergency number at the Police department 847.872.8000 and they will get a hold of the on-call person.


City of Zion
Public Works Department
3220 W. 27th Street
Zion, Illinois 60099

Phone Numbers

Director of Public Works & Engineering
Ray Roberts – (847) 746-4057

Engineer Division
(847) 246-7940

Superintendent of Public Works:
Victor Ransom
(847) 746-4050

Water Division
(847) 746-4060

Public Works Fax
(847) 746-0355

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